Opinion: Open records reform effort fails smell test

Complete Colorado: For the last two years Senator Cathy Kipp, a Democrat from Fort Collins (along with her stalwart Republican companion, Representative Matt Soper from Mesa County) has run bills seeking to change the Colorado Open Records Act, commonly known as CORA.  This is the law that spells out how anyone, including ordinary citizens, can get access to public records from their government, from local up to state.

The newest version, Senate Bill 25-077, isn’t as bad as its predecessor, but it’s still stinks enough as is to flunk the smell test.

The 2024 effort was God-awful.  It would have let records custodians label someone requesting records as “vexatious,” barring them from making records requests for 30 days.  It would have excessively extended deadlines for custodians to answer requests.

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