Westword: School may be out for students in the Douglas County School District, but legal matters responding to actions of the Douglas County School Board just keep coming — as do the costs of defending them in court.
Two more examples emerged on June 14. The first is a new lawsuit that asks DCSD to “‘show cause’ under the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) for why they refuse to allow inspection of training binders used by four newly elected directors at a secretive ‘retreat’ in Estes Park after being elected, but before being sworn into office,” according to the plaintiff, Douglas County resident Robert Marshall. The document implies that the binders essentially provided a game plan for Mike Peterson, Becky Myers, Kaylee Winegar and Christine Williams, a conservative bloc voted into office last November, on how to skirt Colorado Open Meetings Law while engineering the February 4 firing of superintendent Corey Wise, as well as the March hiring of retreat attendee Erin Kane, his handpicked replacement.
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