Douglas County News-Press: The Douglas County school board rejected a settlement that would have admitted some board members violated Colorado Open Meetings Laws when deciding to fire former superintendent Corey Wise last year.
During a special meeting on May 8, the board voted 4-3 to turn down a settlement in the lawsuit brought by Rep. Bob Marshall (D-Highlands Ranch) in February 2022, alleging board members Becky Myers, President Mike Peterson, Christy Williams and Kaylee Winegar used a series of one-on-one conversations to discuss Wise’s termination outside of public meetings.
The settlement laid out three terms for the board, including an acknowledgement that Myers, Peterson, Williams and Wineger broke the law when they had non-public discussions about public business.
The other terms were to prevent the board from taking formal action or discussing public business outside of public meetings, except when legally allowed, such as executive sessions or one-on-one conversations not relayed to a third party, and to pay Marshall’s $66,000 legal fees.
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