public records fees

Colorado House bill lets governments label records requesters as ‘vexatious,’ take longer to comply with requests, withhold records that ‘invade’ privacy

Records custodians would have the power to deem someone a “vexatious requester” and bar that person from obtaining public records for 30 working days under a bill introduced in the Colorado House that also lets government entities take longer to fill most requests made under the Colorado Open Records Act.

Wrap-up: Colorado legislature again shuns CORA cost reform in 2023 session but removes some obstacles for records requesters

Despite a looming inflationary increase in fees, state lawmakers in the 2023 legislative session never addressed the often-high cost of obtaining public records in Colorado but did vote to eliminate some nagging obstacles for users of the Colorado Open Records Act.

Proposed CORA bill gives news media a break on fees, governments more time to respond to many records requests

A multi-faceted CORA bill draft circulating at the Colorado Capitol would give news organizations a break on research-and-retrieval fees, let government entities take more time to respond to many records requests and impose stricter rules for the retention of certain email records of state agencies.