Will the next governor be open and transparent with the public? The record is not promising

The Colorado Sun: No matter who wins on Election Day, Colorado will elect the least transparent governor in recent memory.

In the 2018 campaign, neither Democrat Jared Polis nor Republican Walker Stapleton disclosed their tax returns, violating a decades-long tradition in Colorado that allowed voters to evaluate potential conflicts of interest for the state’s top elected official.

The lack of openness is amplified by hostile remarks both candidates made toward the news media, as well as their unwillingness at times to answer significant questions to help voters understand their positions.

The disregard for public disclosure raises questions about how they would govern if elected.

Polis, the front-runner in recent polls, would not commit to releasing a schedule of his daily public events if elected– a move that would break with current practice and make his administration less transparent.

The five-term congressman from Boulder said he hadn’t considered the issue yet, but he suggested that he is not inclined to do so. “I haven’t done that as a member of Congress,” he told The Colorado Sun in a recent interview.

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