We set up 3 laptops with 3 different newsfeeds. Here’s what we’ve seen so far.

9NEWS (Denver): With three brand new laptops, 9Wants to Know has created three different newsfeed “bubbles” in order to share how differently people may see the news cycle leading up to the 2020 election. 

Each laptop has a Facebook and Twitter account that follows media outlets, news sites, profiles and personalities that fall within respective left, center and right political spectrums. 

9Wants to Know is using Vanessa Otero’s famous “Media Bias Chart” as a guide, which is based on the analysis of a team of people who have different political viewpoints. 

“So for every news article we rate, three people are looking at the one article and we’ll come up with their average reliability and bias score and publish those,” Otero explained.

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