Public can access new searchable database to determine instances when Colorado police officer certification was revoked

The Gazette: While continuing to withhold from the public fuller employment histories of Colorado’s police officers, the Colorado Attorney General’s Office unveiled on Monday a searchable database that allows the public to track instances where the state revoked the certification police officers must hold to work for police agencies.

The public can search the database by typing in an officer’s name to determine whether officers remain in good standing or have had their certification for police work stripped by the Peace Officers Standards and Training board. The data also will disclose the underlying basis for revocations, which generally require a higher threshold to enact in Colorado than most other states.

The Colorado Attorney General’s Office continues to bar the public from accessing the entirety of its database tracking the employment histories of current and former police officers. The Gazette and the Invisible Institute, a non-profit journalistic production company based in Chicago focused on public accountability, are suing the Colorado Attorney General’s Office for refusing to make the broader employment history data public.

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