Pagosa fire board releases executive session recording

From The Pagosa Springs Sun:  During a special meeting on Tuesday, April 26, the Pagosa Fire Protection District (PFPD) made a decision to release an executive session recording to SUN staff after a violation of Colorado Open Meetings Law.

The violation occurred during the regular PFPD meeting on April 12, when, after coming out of executive session to discuss making Assistant Chief Randy Larson the acting fire chief, the PFPD Board of Directors chair LeRoy Lattin began a statement with “We decided …”

Making decisions in executive session is not allowed. Instead, the board may only discuss the issue at hand and can only make a decision after the board has come out of executive session.

SUN staff requested the recording, and the PFPD held the April 26 meeting to discuss whether to release the recording.

As the board started to discuss whether or not to release the recording, Director David Blake said, “I see no reason not to.”

Director Ken Rogers made a motion, saying “In light of the circumstances and in order to prevent [inaudible] staff and legal expense, I move to waive the executive session privilege to the tape recording of the April 12, 2016, executive session held pursuant to section 24-6-402 for personnel matters related to the fire chief position …”

Blake seconded the motion, and it proceeded to pass unanimously.

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