Glenwood Springs Post Independent: On Nov. 7, 1972, Colorado voters approved the Colorado Sunshine Law. That law is clear: the “formation of public policy is public business and may not be conducted in secret.” How is this 50 year old law not clear to the Glenwood Springs City Council?
In August and September, I requested a recording of the illegally held meeting of August 10th and I provided council and the City Attorney with the law. I was met with silence, derision, and obstruction. I had no desire to bring legal action, but the Council, poorly advised by the city attorney gave me no choice. The city attorney insulted me and made fun of me and said that I had to go to court and that my dispute would need to be resolved by a judge.
Well, now a judge has found that our council absolutely and without any question violated Colorado’s open meeting law. She ordered the tape released. This secrecy and a lack of understanding of the basic function of an open government is inexcusable. The actions of our council were wrong, costly, and illegal, and their secret dealings threaten our community and our government.
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