Littleton officials concerned about executive session limit

From The Denver Post YourHub: After two public ballot initiatives passed this fall, Littleton and its city council feels at least one of them will make it more difficult and expensive to conduct the city’s business.

The measure with the most impact reduces reasons for going into executive session, or behind closed doors, from six to two. Those two are if executive session is required by federal or state law, such as in the case of a terrorist attack, or the need to confer with an attorney for a legal matter, such as a lawsuit.

But Littleton City Manager Michael Penny said the ballot measure doesn’t eliminate executive sessions for other reasons. It just means Penny or the city attorney has to meet with council members one or two at a time and convey information among all of them.

Penny said this increases time spent on issues and can be costly in terms of attorney fees. That’s a minimum of four meetings because city staff can’t meet with more than two of them at a time, according to state law.

“It doesn’t move it into a public forum, it moves it into a larger session behind the scenes,” Penny said.

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