Lawyers: If bond buyers get look at U.S. 36 deal, so should public

From The Denver Post: Investors in a $20 million bond offering related to the overhaul of U.S. 36 get full access to an agreement between the state and a private firm that will manage the highway and collect tolls, so the public should get to see the pact, too, two Boulder lawyers said Wednesday.

Plenary Roads Denver — a consortium of six companies — is entering into a 50-year contract with the Colorado Department of Transportation to help build the second phase of the U.S. 36 Managed Lanes project between Louisville and Denver. The deal also puts Plenary in charge of maintaining the entire 21-mile stretch of the highway and Interstate 25 between downtown Denver and U.S. 36. Plenary also will collect tolls from the managed lanes.

CDOT last week released proposed drafts of the concession agreement, as well as certain schedules related to the contract, for public review. But some sections of the contract were summarized to protect information the agency said was proprietary.

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