Kafer: The 2025 legislative session is first where lawmakers can discuss legislation in private. Good!

The Denver Post: “Which is more realistic Scrubs or ER?” “Scrubs,” the hospital intern replied without hesitation; the wacky sitcom was more representative of her emergency room experience than the edgy medical drama. Why would she say that?

It’s probably for the same reason that I, a former congressional staffer, prefer the cartoon “I’m Just a Bill” by Schoolhouse Rock! to the political TV show “House of Cards,” the former is more realistic. Life on Capitol Hill is not Emmy-worthy.

Those who work there, members and staff, spend their days meeting with lobbyists and constituents, discussing legislation, and trying to seem important. Because Congress is not subject to open meetings laws, most member discussions, be they one-on-one or in groups, occur in private without press or public access.

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