Group’s new ‘Mile High School Guide’ serves as data dashboard for Denver schools

Chalkbeat Colorado: It’s been three and a half years since a committee recommended that Denver Public Schools develop a dashboard of data about its schools. The district has not done so — but an advocacy organization launched its own dashboard this week.

The Mile High School Guide allows families to look up information about all 197 of Denver’s public schools. The information includes teacher-to-student ratios, standardized test scores, student attendance rates and discipline data, whether the school requires uniforms or offers preschool classes or after-school child care, and more.

“We just saw a gap in this information,” said Pat Donovan, the managing partner at RootED, the Denver-based group behind the website. He said that as time went on and DPS did not debut a dashboard of its own, RootED felt it “had a moral imperative to be responsive to the community: ‘We have the ability to do this, so we should.’ So we did.”

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