Editorial: A dose of sunshine

From The Pueblo Chieftain: If there’s one thing that we’ve seen play out in the past few months, it’s that our government is fluid.

Last year’s election brought new faces to the Statehouse, and voters in the city of Pueblo’s first district choose a new councilperson this month. That man — the decision is between former Councilman Bob Schilling and Department of Transportation employee Eric Medina — will be the third new member seated on the seven-person board in the past few months.

So yes, law makers change. One thing that doesn’t, though, is the expectation of transparency. And that is what leads us to this friendly reminder about the Colorado Open Records Law.

That rule requires that any state or local governing body discuss public issues or take action in a forum that is formalized and open to the public. A “meeting” is defined as two or more members of a state body, or three or more members of a local government. So the law applies to formats ranging from a verbal debate in the hallowed halls of a government building to a friendly chat at a coffee shop or even email.

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