Editorial: Bill correctly seeks to end public employee non-disclosure agreements

The Fort Morgan Times: The freedom of speech for all, guaranteed in the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, should not end at the steps to the state capitol, a county courthouse, city hall or any other government entity.

But, non-disclosure agreements conditionally forced upon some public employees, either during hiring or termination, attempt to coerce silence, and at least one recent media study finds they are being used with more regularity and to quiet whistleblowers. In other words, to limit freedom of speech.

State Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer, R-Windsor, is taking another swing at a bill that would attempt to eliminate the use of non-disclosure agreements with government employees. Her similar bill in 2021 died on a party-line vote in committee, and Senate Bill 23-053 would be a second attempt to increase government transparency.

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