From The Denver Post: James Holmes’ attorneys are understandably aggressive in seeking to protect his rights and minimize the accused killer’schances of ending up on death row, but they’ve gone overboard on occasion, too.
And when they recently asked Arapahoe District Court Judge Carlos A. Samour Jr. to suppress transcripts of proceedings held in open court, and remove the case filings and index from a court website, they reached the point of absurdity.
Thankfully, Samour refused Friday to further restrict information about the case against Holmes, accused of opening fire in an Aurora movie theater and killing 12 people. It was a welcome development respecting public access.
The request, if granted, would have severely limited the ability of news outlets and the public to view case information. Media organizations, including The Denver Post, strongly objected.
There is still plenty of information under seal in this case.
As Samour notes: “… the court has granted every request to file a pleading suppressed, and both the parties and the court have redacted pleadings and orders when appropriate before they were uploaded to the court’s web site.”
Taking the Holmes case off the court’s website would have been a burden, not only to those interested in the case, but to the court system as well.
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