Colorado reporter and chief photojournalist assaulted, equipment attacked

U.S. Press Freedom Tracker: A KRDO News Channel 13 news team was assaulted and a broadcasting camera attacked while attempting to conduct an interview in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on July 26, 2019.

Reporter Stephanie Sierra and chief photojournalist Chappin Everett walked into Tri-Star Masonry at approximately 12:30 p.m. looking to interview the owner, Michael Reeg, in connection with the station’s investigative reporting on illicit spas in Southern Colorado, KRDO reported.

In the video published by KRDO, Reeg initially agrees to answer Sierra’s questions. When her first question mentions the spa leasing property from Reeg, he cuts her off, tells them to leave and moves towards her.

“Why don’t you guys get the hell out of here,” Reeg is heard saying. “I’m telling you to get the hell out of my place. And get that camera out of here.” Reeg can be seen moving past Sierra toward Everett, growing hostile as he attempts to swipe the camera away. A second unidentified man seems to attempt to prevent Reeg from hitting the camera.

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