City of Glenwood Springs possibly violated Colorado open meetings law, judge rules

Glenwood Springs Post Independent: Friday testimony by Glenwood Springs Mayor Ingrid Wussow and former City Manager Dr. Beverli Marshall further indicated the city decided to terminate Marshall behind closed doors without properly notifying the public.

Ninth Judicial District Court Judge Elise Myer determined it was reasonable to believe the city council violated Colorado open meetings law, which rules no action can be taken in executive session. Myer also ordered the city of Glenwood Springs to submit to the courts an in-camera review of the Aug. 10 executive session detailing exactly what was discussed by Glenwood Springs council members.

“Less than 13 hours after the executive session ended, Dr. Marshall was placed on leave,” Myer said on Friday. Myer then added, “The timeline suggests that the decision was made in executive session.”

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