Boulder Reporting Lab: After nearly a year of contentious public comment periods at Boulder City Council meetings — dominated by protesters demanding the council endorse a Gaza ceasefire resolution and increasingly marked by personal attacks, including antisemitic remarks directed at Councilmember Tara Winer, who is Jewish — the mayor and several councilmembers took a stand during their Dec. 5 meeting. Earlier this year, the council voted 7 to 2 to abstain from initiating a process to create a Gaza ceasefire resolution.
“This city council body has no role in international affairs,” Mayor Aaron Brockett said. “A ceasefire resolution has nothing to do with the business of the city. … This is not something that I’m changing my mind on,” he added, noting he is “disturbed by some of the personal attacks that we’ve seen against other community members and individual city councilmembers.”
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