Armstrong: To raise tough-minded kids, don’t restrict what they read

Complete Colorado: I want to raise my child to be tough and independent-minded, not an ignorant melting snowflake afraid to examine the world around him. So the push to restrict children’s reading materials at school strikes me as ridiculous and contrary to good parenting. We’re not talking about pornography here; we’re talking about books that discuss race, gender, sex, and other matters in age-appropriate ways.

Okay, I’m not going to let my nine-year-old watch Game of Thrones. But, despite warnings from Focus on the Family and parent activist Erin Lee about alleged “‘trans’ activism,” I bought my child the complete set of Wings of Fire books, some volumes of which he’s read twice, and several Warrior Cat books. He also sometimes produces “anthropomorphic art” featuring “animals with human-like qualities,” which Focus on the Family regards as another “potential red flag for parents to monitor closely.” Give me a break.

Amazingly, not only has my child read these “‘trans’ activist” books without turning trans, but he has read the entire Harry Potter series (he’s on his second reading) without thinking he’s a wizard, turning gay (like Dumbledore), or picking up J. K. Rowling’s trans-exclusionary views. Apparently shocking to fuddy-duddy conservative activists paranoid to find the “transgender agenda” behind every cute bunny face, my child is an individual capable of thinking for himself.

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