Former Boulder police oversight panel member sues city over her removal

Boulder Reporting Lab: A former member of the City of Boulder’s Police Oversight Panel who was removed from the watchdog group by the Boulder City Council in May 2023 over allegations of bias is suing the city for allegedly violating her constitutional rights to free speech and due process. 

The lawsuit, which was filed in U.S. District Court on Jan. 9, is the latest flashpoint in a drawn-out appointment process beginning early last year over who is fit to serve on the Police Oversight Panel. The panel reviews internal investigations into complaints of officer misconduct, among other responsibilities.

Last year, city councilmembers removed Lisa Sweeney-Miran, the director of a homeless shelter and political organizer, from the panel. The decision followed a determination by a city-appointed special counsel that a selection committee set up to nominate new members “failed to adequately evaluate” candidates for their bias. 

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